WHAT’S NEXT? (A New Year’s Meditation)

PSALM 11:4-5: “The LORD is in His holy temple, The LORD’s throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men. The LORD tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.”

OBSERVATION: It is just two days before the New Year. The Christmas celebrations are past, some have already taken their decorations down, and as I ponder on this time of year I find myself wondering…


I can remember the times I entered a New Year with determination and purpose. I knew where I was going and my heart was filled with faith and direction. However, this year, I find myself without a clear vision. I know what I have been doing, what I had envisioned doing, and yet – when I look forward I do not see a clear light showing me the way.

Like the Psalmist I feel like I am going through a time of testing. ”The Lord tests the righteous,” is what he writes. Throughout the pages of Scripture, we read how God tested those He had called. God tested Abraham when He asked him to offer up his only son, the son of promise, on the altar of sacrifice.

As Abraham walked up that mountain, as his son Isaac asked where the sacrifice was, Abraham had no forward vision, and no light to walk by. The only thing Abraham could cling to was the faithfulness and mercy of God. So Abraham did the only thing that he could do in this situation. 

Abraham trusted God!

When we find ourselves in similar situations where we have no forward vision for the future the only thing we can do is trust in the faithfulness and mercy of God. We cannot see the pathway ahead but we can see the roads of testimony that lie behind us. We can remember all the times that God has shown himself faithful on our behalf.

If He did it back then – He will do it again!

I think this is why the Psalmist writes the following words before He even speaks of God’s testing.

  • “The LORD is in His holy temple, The LORD’s throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.”

When we find ourselves without an external light to guide our path we must remember that – HE IS OUR LIGHT! The Lord is in His holy temple. He is still on the throne of heaven. Even though we cannot see the way forward – His eyes behold, His eyelids see. Jesus did not say – “I have a light.” 

Jesus said – “I am the light!”

Have you ever experienced total darkness? I remember when visiting some caverns in Texas the guide told us to stand very still and hold onto the handrail. He then turned off the lights in the cavern and we experienced total darkness. It was an eerie feeling. Even with my hand less than an inch from my face, I could not see it. We all stood still and quiet as our minds tried to cope with the lack of light.

Yet, we were still on the path. 

We still had a rail to hold onto. 

And, we still had a guide who had the power to turn on the lights! 

As I face this New Year with uncertainty I must remember. I still am on the path of righteousness, for His name’s sake. I still have a rail to hold onto – His unchanging nature and Word. I still have a comforter who is with me every minute of every day – the Holy Spirit. And, I still have a guide who will never leave me nor forsake me – Jesus Christ my Lord!

As I approach this New Year I need to remember the importance of standing still and holding on until the light is turned on to illuminate my path. If I charge forward without the light I am in danger of going down the wrong path and getting hurt. If I wait until the light shines and then don’t move forward I will be in danger of being left behind. I need to learn the balance between waiting and obeying.

As I approach this New Year I sense the Lord is testing my heart. Will I trust Him fully even when I cannot see the next step forward? Will I wait for His still small voice before I charge forward and try to carve out a path? Will I lay down everything at the foot of the cross so that I can enter into the full and complete will of God for my life?

Lord, this morning I find myself on the path without a clear light showing me the way. All I can do is hold onto Your faithfulness, trust in Your mercy, and abide in Your Word. Grant me the grace to do this as this year closes and to continue waiting to hear Your voice as I enter this New Year. Guard my heart from presumptuous sins and give me a heart of true surrender and obedience.

In Jesus’ Name!

About Kirk's Devotional Journal

Kirk L. Zehnder is the Founder of Resurrection Christian Outreach. RCO is a ministry that promotes the growth and vitality of the local church through speaking engagements, seminars, various media tools, and written curriculum and books. This ministry was started over 35 years ago by Kirk as a means to strengthen the church that he was pastoring. It grew as Kirk began to share these tools with other churches. Today many of the materials are being used by local churches both nationally and internationally. Kirk's Devotional Journal is a result of struggling with Bible reading programs that never seemed to work. Kirk feels the Lord helped him discover an easy-to-follow program to Read, Reflect, Pray, and Journal through the Bible in one year. This program is called L.I.F.E. Unlike other programs there are no dates to follow. You can miss a day and still complete your reading. You never feel like the dates and verses you missed are chasing you. You are free to enjoy your daily Biblical journey and listen to the voice of The Lord. For more information on the L.I.F.E. plan, send an email to rcoutreach@aol.com. Kirk is also available for speaking engagements, seminars, and retreats. With over 40 years of professional business and pastoral ministry experience, Kirk brings a unique combination of practical wisdom, humor, and Biblical insight. If you would like Kirk to speak at your church, school, or ministry, please send an email to rcoutreach@aol.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss your opportunity.
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3 Responses to WHAT’S NEXT? (A New Year’s Meditation)

  1. I just did a post about holding on, cuz some days, I’m right there with you brother!


  2. eldermike547@yahoocom says:

    I wrote this a few years ago as I pondered the new year.


    Another year’s been written down; It was a time of joy and pain My love for God and man At times did wax and wane.

    The time did swiftly fly— I just cannot recall Another year so short It’s now a memory, that is all.

    The time that I have spent I cannot hold within my hand. I cannot place it in a drawer Or see it on the land.

    Did I spend it wisely For things I cannot hold? It just has slipped into the past, It really wasn’t gold.

    In theory, time, it can’t run out. But when I breathe my last The time for me will end; My life will be the past.

    But time I have so much, I just can’t count it all. It flows all through my life Each summer, winter, fall.

    Time can be your friend Or deadly, evil foe. Time can go so fast Or trickle very slow.

    Just ask the one in pain, Dying on the bed, How much time he’d like to have, “It was too short,” he would have said.

    But time is never fast or slow, It’s something you can’t see. For time will run its course, until eternity.  Eternity for you is just around the bend, Or maybe many days from now, But it just as soon will end.

    Some things are very costly, But time you cannot buy. And no matter how you spend your days, You soon must say goodbye.

    The conclusion of the matter Was written long ago: Love the Lord with all your heart, Your body, and your soul.

    “For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”

    – James 4:14


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