II Corinthians 1:7: “For observe this very thing, that you sorrowed in a godly manner: What diligence it produced in you, what clearing of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what vehement desire, what zeal, what vindication! In all things you proved yourselves to be clear in this matter.”  NKJV

OBSERVATION:  What work is “godly sorrow” doing in my life?  Paul assures us that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Yet, Paul notes the important and needed work of the Holy Spirit’s conviction in our lives.  Paul’s judgment against the sin in the Corinthian church led to true repentance and godly sorrow. 

While there is death in condemnation there is lasting fruit in godly sorrow.

DILIGENCE“What diligence it produced in you…”

The conviction of the Holy Spirit caused a church that was allowing sin to go unchecked to take action and deal with the sin.  Sin must never be swept under a rug.  Sin must be dealt with in truth that is anchored in love, and with a spirit of restoration.

CLEARING OF YOURSELVES:  “…what clearing of yourselves…”

The conviction of the Holy Spirit not only leads us to deal with that which is without, but it also leads us to cleanse our own hearts and lives.  Sin that is repented of and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ always leads to a renewed heart and a clear conscience.  As David writes,

“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered.” (Psalms 32:1, NKJV)

INDIGNATION:  “…what indignation…”

What does godly sorrow produce in our hearts regarding sin?  The Corinthian church struggled with indifference and complacency in dealing with sin in both their lives and the life of the church.  When the Holy Spirit convicted them of their sin through the teaching of Paul their attitude toward sin changed.  Like the Jews preparing for the Passover, they began to remove the leaven from their assembly and from their hearts.  When we are touched by godly sorrow we will begin to love the things God loves and hate the very garment spotted by the flesh.  Our indignation will be against sin – but not the sinner.  Our hearts will be positioned to restore the sinner who sincerely repents.

FEAR:  “…what fear…”

This does not speak of being afraid but of being redirected in our worship and devotion to God.  While sin will make us indifferent and unresponsive to the moving of the Holy Spirit, godly sorrow will rekindle our hearts with the flame of God.  Godly sorrow is always the precursor to true revival.  Where there is the Fear of the Lord, a true reverence of repentance and worship, the Holy Spirit is free to do His work of restoration and healing in our midst!

VEHEMENT DESIRE: “…what vehement desire…”

The Fear of the Lord produces a new desire to serve and please the Lord.  It is reverence and worship that are the precursors to faith and obedience.  Jesus never called us to obedience from a position of human fear.  Jesus called us to obedience out of a heart filled and transformed by love – walking in the fear of the Lord!  Each revival that has taken place in the church has produced an outflow of new workers who were committed to serving the Lord and expanding His Kingdom.  The great missionary movements of our past were fueled by godly sorrow!

ZEAL: “…what zeal…” 

When godly sorrow touches the soul a repentant heart – it produces a heart that is aflame with passion to follow the Lord.  Vehement desire may begin the walk of faith and obedience but zeal continues to fan its flame of diligence and faithfulness.  We see a wonderful example of this in the life of Josiah, king of Judah.  Crowned king at a young age, when Josiah became a young adult out of the fear of the Lord he began to focus on repairing the Temple and restoring true worship to Judah.  However, when the scribes found a copy of the Law during their renovations and read it to King Josiah, it was godly sorrow that caused Josiah to rise up in the zeal of the Lord and purge Jerusalem from its idols and its high places.  Zeal for the Lord will empower us to go beyond our normal ability and serve the Lord in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit!

VINDICATION: “…what vindication…”

When we allow godly sorrow to do its full work in our lives it brings us to the place where we stand in the forgiveness and favor of the Lord, filled with gratitude for His mercy and grace, and clothed in the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of His righteousness.  We stand knowing that we are free from condemnation. Vindicated by His great grace, we raise our shield of faith and take the sword of Spirit to quench every fiery dart aimed at us from the enemy.  Our strength, security, and victory are not in our actions but in the confidence and assurance of His victory and vindication over the power of sin and death.  With Paul, we can boldly and confidently say,

Romans 8:31-34: “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.”

Lord, please allow the full work of godly sorrow to bear fruit in my life.  Let me walk in the fear of the Lord, in the power of the Holy Spirit, in the assurance of Your salvation, and in the zeal of the Lord of Hosts!

In Jesus’ Name!

About Kirk's Devotional Journal

Kirk L. Zehnder is the Founder of Resurrection Christian Outreach. RCO is a ministry that promotes the growth and vitality of the local church through speaking engagements, seminars, various media tools, and written curriculum and books. This ministry was started over 35 years ago by Kirk as a means to strengthen the church that he was pastoring. It grew as Kirk began to share these tools with other churches. Today many of the materials are being used by local churches both nationally and internationally. Kirk's Devotional Journal is a result of struggling with Bible reading programs that never seemed to work. Kirk feels the Lord helped him discover an easy-to-follow program to Read, Reflect, Pray, and Journal through the Bible in one year. This program is called L.I.F.E. Unlike other programs there are no dates to follow. You can miss a day and still complete your reading. You never feel like the dates and verses you missed are chasing you. You are free to enjoy your daily Biblical journey and listen to the voice of The Lord. For more information on the L.I.F.E. plan, send an email to Kirk is also available for speaking engagements, seminars, and retreats. With over 40 years of professional business and pastoral ministry experience, Kirk brings a unique combination of practical wisdom, humor, and Biblical insight. If you would like Kirk to speak at your church, school, or ministry, please send an email to and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss your opportunity.
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